Ian Forrest

Hello. 👋

I'm a technical marketing specialist, project manager, hobbyist developer, and communications person in Seattle.


I currently work at Sound Transit, the regional transit agency for Seattle, Bellevue, Everett and Tacoma, where I'm part of a team making and maintaining website tools and information to improve the experience for passengers and the community at large.

Side projects

In my spare time, I toil away at side projects, mistakenly believing that one will be a yellow-bricked road toward gobs of passive income. I've described a few of them below.


This silly site

An experiment with Astro, the ultra-fast web framework. It uses localization with astro-i18n-aut, Alpine Js, Tailwind CSS and an Astro starter kit. 🆒


i5 Bridge Bot

A bot that taps into the WSDOT API and sends a tweet every time the Interstate 5 bridge raises in Portland. @i5BridgeBot